Wow, so this last term/semester is over and I'm free!!! I took one class, CS 455: Intro to Computer Graphics. It was awesome! Our term project was to make video game in 3D. Nozomi and I teamed up and made a game "The Breakdancer". Basically it was Iron Man in the middle spinning around crazily and he would hit Woodys (from Toy Story) if the player didn't play well. The game is played with an Xbox controller.
Our video game, "The Breakdancer"
When we presented the game the whole class was laughing pretty hard, including our professor who is a hilarious person.
Us presenting our game. |
Buddy and Scott are gone. What are the chances that the three of us would have been going to school together for this long? It was so great while it lasted. Buddy was in my 5th grade class. I met Scott in 6th grade. They are both going to Washington because they just graduated and found work there. And get this, Scott will be living with Buddy. Crazy! So I'm probably going to visit them sometime this summer. We went to Scott's mom's place recently to play games. It's always such a joy playing games with them. We share a certain kind of humor that pretty much no one else I know understands (few exceptions).
"The Flying Squirrel", one of our favorite poses to do while doing a flip. |
Our goal was to jump in the air but make it look like we're standing normally. |
Buddy and I we active gymnasts back in the day. |
This break is kinda a big deal. First, it's the first break I've had for two years. Last year I had school all through spring and summer, so this past year I was going a bit crazy. Nozomi is in the same boat as me, first break in two years. This is the perfect summer to do an internship, but it didn't feel right. I don't know why, but I'm ok with that :) Instead this summer is full of crazy ambition. But first I shall talk about last weeks FHE (Family Home Evening).
Last week I went to FHE at this pretty cool place just 20 minutes away from where I live. There was a sweet zip-line and a huge super fun slip-n-slide. There was a cool party barn and many other fun things including tennis courts, basketball courts, paddle boats (which aren't fun in my mind), etc. Here are some pics.
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This is Jackie, and cute girl from somewhere that gives her what seems to be a South American accent. She was tough and got up and did it again right after, only this time she hung on. I showed this to my Elders quorum this past Sunday when I taught the lesson. |
Kurt about to go on the zip line. |
Me doing the zip-line. |
I can't just go down something in a normal fashion, I have to do flips or something. |
Nozomi and Kurt going down the slip-n-slide. |
We got going pretty fast. We got to know each other pretty well whether we liked it or not. |
I should have taken a panoramic shot to show the cool barn as well. |
Kurt and Des. They're engaged btw. |
Nozomi doing the dangerous zip-line. This one comes to an abrupt stop so you end up swinging WAY up. Nozomi almost racked himself pretty bad. |
Getting ready for the end. |
The cool barn. Nozomi, Ryo (roommate), Me |
OK, back to summer time. I'm free!!! Wow, I feel so alive and so blessed. I am so blessed. Nozomi and I had a great time making that video game for class. Now Nozomi and I were pretty chill in the game's creation. In fact after we presented the game Nozomi continued to make tweaks to it. We have conjured up a desire to continue to create our own games/programs, so now we're actively studying Android! I love it! We can basically make any app we want. I have a few in mind that I'd like to make, but they'll come later. I've been wanting to learn Android for a while, but didn't have the time. Now I do!
My current book. I have the e-book version. |
Music. I have written a song. It's a decent song and it finally came time to record the vocals. I recorded them and they sucked. A few days later I tried again but couldn't even sing a high G full voice. I was like, 'crap, I wrote a song I can't even sing. I suck!' It was disappointing. Also, recently I had been feeling really tired. Yesterday I woke up and was super tired with a swollen throat. I was getting sick the whole time! Yes! This is one of the few times I was glad to be sick. When I was writing the song I could sing it OK (not great), so it's a relief that my inability to sing recently was related to me being sick. I probably won't be better till next week, but next week I'll be in California, so I'll have to wait to record it.
Part of my set up. I tried recording acoustic guitar today. I was not satisfied with the results. Looks like more research is required. I recorded my acoustic-electric nylon stringed guitar and thought it sounded pretty good. Microphones are a complicated thing. |
Basically I'm loving the whole recording/producing thing. I love photos, journals, videos, and now I see recording audio as another thing. They're all just different methods of journal keeping.
I am still injured and can't run. It's killing me. There is ALWAYS something wrong with me. I'm slightly bitter.
I am going to California next week with my family. I am so excited to get away! The rest of my summer will be pretty chill. I plan on going to California again later to visit Jolie if all goes well. I landed a job as a youth counselor for 160 youth from China. That will last two and a half weeks and I'm pretty excited about it.
Other than that I'm a pretty free spirit just waiting to do what feels right.
I am reading the Ensign again. Wow, I love it.
Yesterday we went to McDonalds. We go there a lot because it's cheap and tasty. We ordered salads. I got two side salads. |
Well, I spent a lot of time on this post. I make these for my family and me. It's kinda like a journal. I'm going to learn some Android right now. Yes!
Lol. #1. "I was getting sick the whole time! Yes!"
ReplyDelete#2. I think you need more musical instruments.
#3. That is high to fall from a zip line onto your head.
#4. Woodys? Lol
See you soonly.
Oh I forgot to mention my favorite pic is of you and buddy trying to look like you're just standing there but mid air. Looks Photoshopped. I want to try this.
ReplyDeleteLove your pictures especially the one where you and buddy are standing in the air. Only you and Buddy would think to do that! Haha! Your video game cracked me up. Lol! XO
ReplyDeleteI am commenting again but on your earlier post. It wouldn't let me comment down there, so I'm up here. Haha! I wanted to say that I loved your "Opposition in all Things" about patience. I think it's awesome that you sat there and for 15 minutes no less! Wow! Then at the end where you tossed the Mt. Dew out, I totally laughed out loud! Lol! That cracked me up! Too bad more people don't have more patience like that! XO