Sunday, July 28, 2013

This Fall

I'm getting really antsy.

What will I be doing this fall?

SCHOOL:  I'll be taking a full load of classes this Fall.  I am NOT looking forward to it.  This past winter semester I ended up dropping all but two classes when I released my coming out video.  With all of the emotions and stress that came along with coming out, I just needed some "me" time, plus I was so wrapped up with the media that I was never in Provo.  I got used to the freedom of having almost no classes, but now I have to go back.  Blah.

WORK:  *Sigh* I don't want to work during school, but I need money.  I have a few options as far as possible jobs go, but I might end up making video with a Professor at BYU.  But these videos will be for an audience of software engineers, so it's very much work and not play.  It looks like I'm always going to have a camera in my hands because...

YOUTUBE:  I'll be hitting YouTube hard this fall.  I'll be collaborating with a fellow gay Mormon, so hopefully we can get something awesome going.  Our videos will be very personality driven.  We'll have a nice variety of videos ranging from original music, shorts, vlogs, and basically anything that comes to mind.  Are the videos going to be gay themed?  That's not the plan.  There might be an occasional gay twist on things, but overall they'll be wholesome awesomeness for everyone, particularly Mormons.  

I'm coveting again   Some things I want for my channel are:

  • Wireless mics to clip onto people
  • Soundproof foam stuff for my studio/room
  • A New camera

------------------------------somebody took some pics of me taking videos------------------------------
I officially take more videos than I do pictures.  Here I was recording stuff for THIS video.

Yet again.

If they only knew I wasn't acting.

OTHER:  Something else kinda big, but it might not happen.  I'm still waiting to hear back.  Meh.

My apartment.  I live on the third-from-the-top (16th) floor.  When I come home late, if the lights are on then I'm happy because my cute Chinese family is home.  If the lights aren't on then I'm sad.
Can't wait to make more videos!


  1. I might still have my wireless mic from my reporting days I can give you... if I can find it again! YOu should talk to Dale Green in the Brimhall Bldg. He is the tech wiz of the broadcast world in there and could probably give you free or cheaper or just good ideas where to get all of those things you want.

  2. Is this fall your last semester or do you have to do winter or spring? You are so close to freedom. Hang in there. It'll be worth it!!

    4+ weeks until Dumbo Dare!!
